
Twilight Eclipse Full Movie

  • Details: 2010, USA, Cert 12A, 123 mins

    Direction:David Slade

    Genre:Horror / Romance / Thriller

    Summary: Bella is forced to choose between her love for Edward the vampire and Jacob the werewolf

    With: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor LautnerEasyworship full crack.

Our reviews

  • Philip French

    Stephenie Meyer's teenage vampire saga is Stoker Third Class, says Philip French

  • Peter Bradshaw

    Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson return and chastity still reigns in the increasingly turgid vampire and werewolf teen saga. Time for the wooden stake, says Peter Bradshaw
  • Andrew Pulver

    Andrew Pulver: Rampaging hormones and overwrought teen yearning … but the third Twilight movie is a well-constructed revenge plot thriller

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